• 3509 W 111th St, Chicago, IL 60655
  • +1 312 978 1918
  • 3509 W 111th St, Chicago, IL 60655
  • +1 312 978 1918

Vision & Mission Blog

  • Vision & Mission


“Celebrating the image of God in every human.” We believe that everyone who comes to worship with us is a witness to the unique image of God and therefore we are called to celebrate the greatness of God found in every one present with us.


Multi Ethnic Church of Mt. Greenwood is committed “To embrace and empower people of all nations present with us, and to experience their cultures, and to find together a faith and spirituality fulfilled in Jesus Christ.”.

What We Believe

Multi Ethnic Church of Mt. Greenwood

We, the Multi Ethnic Church of Mt. Greenwood affirms the three creeds that are followed by the universal body of Christ such as: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. Also, we believe Four statements of belief such as the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and the Confession of Belhar.